Sunday, August 7, 2011

GOD I'm WEAK....

God I’m WEAK…I thought that I was strong
And then I realized I couldn’t do this on my own
Lord I feel so alone….where has everybody gone?
Where are My “friends till the end “ in the end….everybody’s gone
Lord give me direction…..I know I’ve slipped in mess whenI should’ve listened to you…. now I just sit here in depression

God I’m WEAK...
All I need is you ….but your face not your hands
I need another “one more chance”, reveal to me your plans
Now I can’t sleep….b/c all I do is keep…on thinking about the week
when I shoulda been reading your Word
but I was sleeping around being a freak

God I'm WEAK...
But Lord it’s you I seek, I’m trying to reach higher
I’ve been labeled as a whore, player, hypocrite…liar
That I should give it up this Christian walk..just retire
like there’s no chance… way that I can please the Messiah

God I’m WEAK….
Lord I know that people will judge me on my past and….
It’s even harder when I can’t even look past it
Although it’s Past tense…I see it in my future
I try to change, but I still do the things that I’m used to

Because my Past doesn’t define me
It doesn’t end here….so here is where they won’t find me
I’m tired of landing on my back…it’s time I land on my feet
I’m not turning back ….it’s time for a new season…so bye heat
I know I reap what I sow…What’s happened in the past is done
So I gotta move forward and keep my eyes on the prize…. The SON

Friday, July 8, 2011

It'll All Be Worth It

If I had to tell you how much I love you
I wouldnt know where to start

If I had to show you how much I love you
I would just give you my heart

This long distance we have
brings us closer together
because when it comes down to it
It'll be I do.....we do....Forever

Conversations over the phone and Skype
doesn't doesnt really do it justice
because each second leaces me breathless
and sometimes it just feels like
and I'm so glad that he blessed us

My job is to love you like Christ loved the Church
to love you even when it hurts
we both know the relationship wont be perfect
but I promise you Ithat it'll all be worth it

Friday, June 24, 2011

Teach Me How to LOVE

I asked God to teach me to love his people
To rejoice with Truth and NEVER delight in evil
To always trust, to hope
knowing that He will always protect me.
With his unconditional love...unlike others
He would never neglect me

To be patient...kind...and to help me persevere
To be the last to speak and be the first to hear.

To be content with what I have and NEVER boast
because if it wasnt for blessings would be toast

To keep no records of wrong
when thats how they do me
To not be easily angered by strangers
or to behave rudely

To never envy when someone has what Im desiring
To never seek self ...and if so....retire me

Love never fails
with everything I stated above...
but I also gain NOTHING
if I have not LOVE

Friday, June 17, 2011

The Christian Struggle

Its hard being transparent
and its also hard to call HIM

but how can someone help you

if they dont even know you've fallen?

So now we're staying quiet

like a dog covered with a muzzle

and we wonder why something's missing

like the PEACE without the puzzle

So aint no talkin to our friends

about our problems and our struggles

Because if they knew our weaknesses

then they may no longer love us

We have a problem with our friends

but we always say "We're cool"

So we tell them that we're praying for them

well....atleast we say we do.....

We're not focused on our FAM in CHRIST

and you know thats a no-no

One Body....Many Members

So why we claim we runnin solo??

That's why we're so low

we don't love each other no mo'

We supposed to be on the same team but we not

"no HOMO"

I aint talkin' sexual

let's talk about sex ya know?

the late night texts...leading to late night sex

leads to....well....

Im movin on to the next ya....

My family actin' crazy

so its hard to stay encouraged

I mean I love my fam ......

but they're not as blessed as yours!

I know I shouldn't compare

I'm not hating on your blessings

but I can't sleep at night because I wonder

when will he ever bless me?!

Its easy to say we trust God

and not trust HIM to know whats best

we all want a testimony

but don't want to study for the test

We say "Let go and Let God"....let him do the rest


Friday, June 3, 2011


"UNcomMAN" or (Uncommon MAN)....What is UNcommon? Uncommon is how a man should treat a woman...but dont.....Women are always complaining about men being "dogs" or "no know whats...etc" but there are men who are out there worth being with...NOW I KNOW..not ALL men are perfect..that's just not going to happen, but there's no excuse for a woman to be treated WRONG....Sooooo...hope u enjoy..


The one that says you're beautiful
instead you're full of booty
Cause your body is a temple
and worth much more than rubies

The one who constantly thinks about you
so he's consistently callin
He's not jealous or insecure
but in love with you he's fallin

He tries to spend time with you
every chance he get
Not the one who's calling late at night
talkin bout can he hit

Says you have a pretty smile
even though you already know you got it
Knows your whole name and personality
before he tries to get to know your body

Sends you random texts
just to let you know he loves you
Puts you in another place
every time he rubs you

See his love for you
is UNconditional
He might not wanna hear what you have to say
but he'll still listen though

The one who randomly picks you up
and takes you for a ride
But he won't tell you where you going
it's supposed to be a surprise
Because he remembers that one place
you talked about that night
but you still dont know what's happening
cause you probably forgot right?!

The one that stayed on your mind
that's why you couldn't sleep
Because you would always fantasize
about the time he rubbed your.....feet
Even after you kept saying
"No...they're ugly to me"
But he grabbed them dogs anyway
and said "They look pretty cute to me"

Everytime you say "Am I talking too much
he say "Naw baby I love to listen"
But deep down this dude wishin
"Will she ever be quiet"...but he knows you like attention

He's the dude who let's you win the argument
even when you wrong
You get that funny feeling
everytime he plays "your song"

So if an UNcomMAN man
is not what you're used to seeing
Then you might wanna take notes
on what you've just been reading.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

OVERrated (SEX)

I wrote this poem, because I wanted to open people's eyes. My eyes were opened. This is coming from someone who LOVED sex. Sex was a god to me, and I know I'm not the only one who struggled with it. SEX is something that's VERY HARD to overcome, because it's the MOST SATISFYING. Sex is NOT a game, because your soul is on the line. God didn't give us sex to go around and satisfy ourselves. SEX was made to produce, be fruitful and multiply (with your husband/wife). GOD wants you to enjoy sex.....but NOT outside of his will and his blessings. I realize TEMPTATION IS A BEAST...but MY GOD is MORE POWERFUL THAN ANY OBSTACLE. I felt myself being empty even after I got what I wanted, and i realize it was because I was giving a piece of me to other girls. So when I felt empty....I felt like I needed something to fulfill my I always came back to SEX because I knew it made me feel good, but at the end EVERYONE gets hurt. WE dont have to settle for less than God's perfect this be a testimony...please don't take these words lightly..I don't have a problem with being open....I pray that God gets the glory out of this poem. That is all that blessed. 1 Corinthians 6:18

OVERrated (SEX)

First off, let me start off with an open statement

Let's not be naive anymore, sex before marriage is OVERrated

Your flesh takes OVER ya spirit, but he already came OVER your house

and now after u gave OVER your goods, he already wants out

but rewind.....the SEX is OVER so what's next?!

the dude who was all OVER you says that "friendship" is best?

the same dude that was in your bed cOVER 5 minutes ago

I bet he looks at you differently now, he pegged you as a h.....

and you know that aint true, but your mind is OVERclouded,

so now you question your worth in this world...yeah you OVER doubting

and now you contemplating OVER AND OVER again you dont know what went wrong

You gave a piece of your soul to him....consider it dead and gone

your mind is OVERloaded from all the guilt and pain

You wish you could do it OVER again, but this time it would change

please realize

You too beautiful to be going through all the stress and strain

You thought he was the one, thought he was your lOVER

but now he's OVER you....and he's on to another

you don't really need this , your life is torn in pieces

it's not too late beautiful, give your life OVER to Jesus

he would never hurt you, he would never take your soul

he'll take your emptiness away, he'll make you whole; OVERflow

YOU have the power to OVERcome, be cOVERed in his blood

you need a makeOVER so get cOVERed in his love

God will OVERride your sin, cause flesh was OVER you

so go ahead and repent for your sexual is long OVERdue

C.H.A.M.P. (2010)

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

11 Ways to Improve Your Walk in 2011

1. The very first step is prayer. Prayer is always the best way to improve your spiritual walk, because it brings you closer to your God. Prayer will change people, change situations, and prayer will bring answers to our problems. Prayer is also much more than just talking….sometimes you gotta be quiet…and listen!!

2.Get INVOLVED in church – Sometimes Christians go to church like it’s a job or a checklist – We Clock in, Clock out….and then go home. Paul talks about how we are parts of Christ’s body, so we are asked to perform a task within it. Help clean up your church, get on the usher board, go clean a toilet seat….Find out where your GIFTS can best serve your church….so if you are good at cleaning toilet seats…ain’t nobody hatin’ !!

3. Volunteer!! – Whether it’s volunteering in church, nursing homes, soup kitchen, local schools, or cleaning the streets of Southeast Denton….give someone one of the most precious gifts you have…..YOUR TIME! There is nothing more rewarding than serving others. By doing so, you show others Jesus’ own heart and represent God’s love. If you don’t know where to start, ask your church Pastor!

4. Forgive Someone!!- Mannn….one of the hardest things to do as a Christian is to forgive someone who wronged you, hurt you, broke your heart, spit in your face, kicked your kneecap, accuses you of drinking their kool-aid that wasn’t that sweet anyway, pulled your weave out…ok ok... you get the picture….but seriously…often times we want to hurt someone who hurt us….when it fact it actually HURTS US!! Christ wants us to unclench our fists and forgive……not for their benefit….but for OURS!

5. Spend more time with family – I believe that God enjoys when we enjoy his GIFTS. One of the best gifts God can give us is FAMILY. Spend time with your little brother, Have those girl talks with your little sister, call up your parents just to let them know that you love them. There is NOTHING like QUALITY TIME with your family…not just on HOLIDAYS…but just because. (One thing I regret is not WANTING to spend time with my little sister, because she was so much younger than me, but now I wish I would have)

6. Live your life in a manner that is pleasing to God. When thinking about doing or saying something that you feel deep inside is wrong, ask yourself "would I do this if my God were standing right here?" Acknowledge that God is always with you. The closer we get to God the more our attitudes and thoughts that are wrong will disappear from our lives.

7. Find a community of Believers that you will be able to trust. Spending time with people who have the same morals, values, beliefs, and goals as you do is very beneficial for your walk. Find people you can chop it up with, dig in the word, and fellowship with without having to jeopardize your walk!

8. Listen to Christian Music- What you listen to is very important in your walk. Nothing touches our soul more than music does, which explains why music has been a vital part of the faith from the beginning. Whether it’s Contemporary Gospel, Gospel, Christian Hip Hop, Christian Rock, or even Bach, get it on your IPODs mannn!!

9. Think on those things that are good, pure and acceptable to God. If we keep only good thoughts in our mind we will do good things. When we keep pure thoughts in our mind we will not do the things that make us feel guilty. Thoughts that are acceptable to God will draw us closer to him. The closer we get to God, the more we become like him.

10. Find someone you can pray with. Having a prayer partner and encouraging you in your walk with God is very important. Walking this out alone can be very difficult. Having someone praying for you and with you is such a blessing. Having positive peer pressure, encouragement, and someone to help you make wise, Godly decisions is the way to go! A way to ease into praying with someone is reading the Bible out loud to one another. This can develop relationship intimacy to the point where both parties feel the comfort level to talk with God together.

11.Make time- We’ll never “have” time for Reading the word or even praying. We must MAKE time. God makes time for us, so it’s only just that we make time for him. Spend a few minutes each day digging in God’s word. It can make a huge difference between punching a co-worker in their face or not letting them effect your day and smiling! There are millions of different types of devotions online that you can read for a few minutes…..don’t let ”NOT having time for God” mess up your blessings!!

Be Blessed

Ty Lee Pierce

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Struggling with God's Will

Do you ever struggle with the concept of God's will? Do you ever wish things were spelled out a little more clearly for you? God has promised to lead and guide us, but he didn't promise specifics all the time. If you're serious about discovering God's will for your life, here are some things to think about.

* Read the stories of Abraham, Moses, Peter and other bible characters who discovered God's will for their lives in unexpected ways.

*Pray.....pray....and then pray some more. Stay in continuous contact with God. Learn to recognize his voice of his Spirit in your life.

*Talk to mature Christians about how they discovered God's will for their lives.

*Being in God's will has to do with who we are not always where we are. Commit yourself to honoring God in everything you do. If you'll make that commitment, you may be surprised at what he will accomplish through you.

*Take a step of faith! Volunteer for a ministry assignment that takes you out of your comfort zone. You may discover skills and interests you never knew you had. (example: I volunteered to record service one week and I ended up liking it and ultimately became a member of the Audio/Video Ministry)

A lot of us struggle with what God's will for our lives are, but once we find out what it is......waiting and seeking his face for the answer is WELL WORTH IT!

Be Blessed!

Ty Lee Pierce