Saturday, January 1, 2011

Struggling with God's Will

Do you ever struggle with the concept of God's will? Do you ever wish things were spelled out a little more clearly for you? God has promised to lead and guide us, but he didn't promise specifics all the time. If you're serious about discovering God's will for your life, here are some things to think about.

* Read the stories of Abraham, Moses, Peter and other bible characters who discovered God's will for their lives in unexpected ways.

*Pray.....pray....and then pray some more. Stay in continuous contact with God. Learn to recognize his voice of his Spirit in your life.

*Talk to mature Christians about how they discovered God's will for their lives.

*Being in God's will has to do with who we are not always where we are. Commit yourself to honoring God in everything you do. If you'll make that commitment, you may be surprised at what he will accomplish through you.

*Take a step of faith! Volunteer for a ministry assignment that takes you out of your comfort zone. You may discover skills and interests you never knew you had. (example: I volunteered to record service one week and I ended up liking it and ultimately became a member of the Audio/Video Ministry)

A lot of us struggle with what God's will for our lives are, but once we find out what it is......waiting and seeking his face for the answer is WELL WORTH IT!

Be Blessed!

Ty Lee Pierce


  1. Good stuff bro!!! Really enjoyed your first post. Often times the hardest step is the first one....well done in taking your first one.

    - SE7EN

  2. Hey Frat! This really ministered to me... very inspirational!
