Sunday, May 15, 2011

OVERrated (SEX)

I wrote this poem, because I wanted to open people's eyes. My eyes were opened. This is coming from someone who LOVED sex. Sex was a god to me, and I know I'm not the only one who struggled with it. SEX is something that's VERY HARD to overcome, because it's the MOST SATISFYING. Sex is NOT a game, because your soul is on the line. God didn't give us sex to go around and satisfy ourselves. SEX was made to produce, be fruitful and multiply (with your husband/wife). GOD wants you to enjoy sex.....but NOT outside of his will and his blessings. I realize TEMPTATION IS A BEAST...but MY GOD is MORE POWERFUL THAN ANY OBSTACLE. I felt myself being empty even after I got what I wanted, and i realize it was because I was giving a piece of me to other girls. So when I felt empty....I felt like I needed something to fulfill my I always came back to SEX because I knew it made me feel good, but at the end EVERYONE gets hurt. WE dont have to settle for less than God's perfect this be a testimony...please don't take these words lightly..I don't have a problem with being open....I pray that God gets the glory out of this poem. That is all that blessed. 1 Corinthians 6:18

OVERrated (SEX)

First off, let me start off with an open statement

Let's not be naive anymore, sex before marriage is OVERrated

Your flesh takes OVER ya spirit, but he already came OVER your house

and now after u gave OVER your goods, he already wants out

but rewind.....the SEX is OVER so what's next?!

the dude who was all OVER you says that "friendship" is best?

the same dude that was in your bed cOVER 5 minutes ago

I bet he looks at you differently now, he pegged you as a h.....

and you know that aint true, but your mind is OVERclouded,

so now you question your worth in this world...yeah you OVER doubting

and now you contemplating OVER AND OVER again you dont know what went wrong

You gave a piece of your soul to him....consider it dead and gone

your mind is OVERloaded from all the guilt and pain

You wish you could do it OVER again, but this time it would change

please realize

You too beautiful to be going through all the stress and strain

You thought he was the one, thought he was your lOVER

but now he's OVER you....and he's on to another

you don't really need this , your life is torn in pieces

it's not too late beautiful, give your life OVER to Jesus

he would never hurt you, he would never take your soul

he'll take your emptiness away, he'll make you whole; OVERflow

YOU have the power to OVERcome, be cOVERed in his blood

you need a makeOVER so get cOVERed in his love

God will OVERride your sin, cause flesh was OVER you

so go ahead and repent for your sexual is long OVERdue

C.H.A.M.P. (2010)