Friday, June 24, 2011

Teach Me How to LOVE

I asked God to teach me to love his people
To rejoice with Truth and NEVER delight in evil
To always trust, to hope
knowing that He will always protect me.
With his unconditional love...unlike others
He would never neglect me

To be patient...kind...and to help me persevere
To be the last to speak and be the first to hear.

To be content with what I have and NEVER boast
because if it wasnt for blessings would be toast

To keep no records of wrong
when thats how they do me
To not be easily angered by strangers
or to behave rudely

To never envy when someone has what Im desiring
To never seek self ...and if so....retire me

Love never fails
with everything I stated above...
but I also gain NOTHING
if I have not LOVE

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